Dinosaurs unbound

Pronounced - ti-TAN-oh-SAWR-us
Named By - Richard Lydekker
When Named - 1877
DIET: Herbivore (plant-eater)
SIZE: Length - 40-60 feet (12-18 m) long
Height - 10 ft (3 m) tall at the hips
Weight - 14,700 kg
WHEN IT LIVED: Late Cretaceous period, about 83-65 million years ago
WHERE IT LIVED: Fossils have been found in India (and perhaps Laos), Asia.
FOSSILS: Only partial skeletons (without skulls) have been found.
  • Kingdom Animalia (animals)
  • Phylum Chordata (having a hollow nerve chord ending in a brain)
  • Class Archosauria (diapsids with socket-set teeth, etc.)
  • Order Saurischia - lizard-hipped dinosaurs
  • Suborder Sauropoda - large, long-necked, quadrupedal herbivores
  • Superfamily Macronaria - having a nasal crest
  • Family Titanosauria - enormous, armored sauropods.
  • Genus Titanosaurus
  • Species T. indicus (type species named by Lydekker, 1877 )
Titanosaurus was an enormous dinosaur that had a long neck, a long tail, and small head. It walked on four legs had a heavy body with bony armor on the back.

  Titanosaurus was among the last of the giant sauropods to walk the Earth. This was a giant plant-eater from the same family as Argentinosaurus. It was probably related to dinosaurs that traveled from South America when it was still connected to Africa. The entire family of these Cretaceous giants is named after this dinosaur, even though only a few bones of Titanosaurus have ever been found.

Titanosaurus was a heavily built sauropod, as is typical for this family. Although some members of this family had scutes, it isn't known if any were present on this animal. A number of species exist for this genus and several genera are attributed to the titanosauria.

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